The 5 Easy Steps to Starting Your Very Own YouTube Channel!

The 5 Easy Steps to Starting Your Very Own YouTube Channel!

The 5 Easy Steps to Starting Your Very Own YouTube Channel!

Hello, in this post I’m going to show you the 5 easy steps to starting your very own YouTube channel.

Starting your own YouTube channel can be overwhelming if you’re not sure where to begin. Before you do anything, though, make sure that you have your basic channel set up correctly, including a channel name, playlists to organize your videos, and an avatar photo to represent your channel and attract viewers. Once you’ve set up your account the right way, it’s time to start uploading videos! In this guide to starting your own YouTube channel, we will go over the basics of each step-in detail so that you can get started on the right foot, and make sure your channel grows from there!

Step 1 – Choose what you want to make videos about!

So, you have a burning desire to be the next big YouTuber and make millions of dollars on your channel, but you don’t know where to start. Well today we are going over the five easy steps that will help you get started on YouTube.

The first thing you need to do is decide what type of videos you want to create for your channel. 

Second, you’ll need to pick some equipment and tools to make videos.

Third, create an account with YouTube by following the directions below with step 3.

Fourth, Upload your first video.

Fifth, Optimize your channel.

Then, go live! It’s time to hit record and show off your talent in front of the world. But before you press play, there are a few things you should remember:

1) Make sure there is nothing blocking the camera

2) Speak clearly

3) Smile

4) Include subtitles

5) Upload regularly

6) Be yourself

Step 2 – Set up your equipment and tools.

One of the first things you will want to do is set up your equipment. You will need a camera or smartphone, a good microphone, and some sort of lighting setup. The next thing you’ll want is an editing program like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier or Invideo so that you can edit your video footage into something presentable. After that, it’s important to have a website where people can watch your videos without having to be on YouTube all the time.

Step 3 – Create your channel

  1. Create a YouTube account.
  2. Set up your channel’s profile and settings by clicking on the About tab and adding a title, description, upload limits, tags, and your contact information.
  3. Upload your first video!
  4. Add content such as thumbnails, tags and titles for all of the videos you upload so that people can find them easily on YouTube’s search engine.
  5. Invite your friends and family to subscribe to your channel. They will be notified every time you post a new video with an email notification.
  6. Post links to your channel on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can even promote your channel at school or work by showing it off in meetings or asking your boss if he would mind putting one of your videos on the company website for visitors to see.

Step 4 – Upload your first video

You may want to do a video introducing yourself. For example, say something like this. Hi! My name is Joao, and I’m here today to talk about the five steps that you need in order to create your very own YouTube channel. The first thing you’ll want to do is pick a username for your channel that best represents you and the content on your channel. You’ll want it short, easy-to-remember, and unique so that no one else will be able to use it.

Step 5 – Optimize your channel

Once you’ve created your YouTube channel, you’ll want to optimize it for success. Here’s a few tips for getting started:

  1. Upload a clear and well-lit video of yourself explaining what your channel is about and why people should subscribe. Make sure that this video includes links to all of your social media accounts so that viewers can easily find them as well.
  2. Add some color into the background or behind any text that appears in the video. Color enhances visibility and attracts attention. You’ll be amazed at how much more views you will get if you add vibrant colors to your videos!
  3. Create a custom banner for your channel using templates from sites like Designcrowd, Canva or Visme. You can even make one by hand with posterboard and markers!
  4. Write out a brief introduction on who you are and what type of content to expect from your YouTube channel (in 100 words or less).
  5. Post your video once it has been edited and upload your new banner. Now that you’re all set up, there’s just one last thing to do: tell everyone you know about your awesome new YouTube channel!

Conclusion: 5 steps to start your YouTube channel

Now that you know the five steps on how to start a YouTube channel, it’s time for you to take action. Use these easy steps and create your very own YouTube channel and don’t forget to add CTA which stands for call to action, such as subscribe, like, share, notification bell and share them with friends.

Congratulations with your YouTube channel!

If you don’t want to create a video yourself, or perhaps you don’t even want to show your face on videos, you may want to take a look of this amazing product I’ve found, that can help you started on the right foot. Just click the link here. 😃 

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That’s it, and thank you for reading!

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