ClickFunnels Review

ClickFunnels Review

Video Tutorial How To Get Started With ClickFunnels!

You’ve probably heard of ClickFunnels, the landing page builder that’s innovative online sales funnels. If you’re in touch with the world of digital marketing, you certain have heard about it. With this ClickFunnels Review & Tutorial, we going to look at the pros and cons to determine if it is a legitimate business marketing software worth to try.

ClickFunnels has made a pretty big name for itself since it started and becoming one of the largest marketing Software as a Service companies around. I suppose it’s no surprise, people love ClickFunnels since it’s all about making its users money. Specifically, it’s about giving businesses software that helps them turn their site visitors into customers. There’s no doubt how ClickFunnels has grown so much in such a short period of time, just by serving its customers.

There is no denying it’s popular, but does that mean it’s worth it? How much can we trust the crowd on this one? It seems it’s just another website and/or landing page builder, so what sets it apart and should you add it to your marketing stack?

In this ClickFunnels review, I’ll go through the meaning of ClickFunnels, what it is, the positives and the negatives, the features, customer service, and so on. I’m basing this review on my own experience using ClickFunnels’ Startup plan, which comes with the core ClickFunnels features and plenty of other bells and whistles. I’ll also give a bow towards other reviews I’ve seen, as not every user will agree with me on the outcome.

Regardless of whether you choose to use it or not, it’s an important player anyone in e-commerce and online marketing should be familiar with. Before you jump in, what’s our rating? I’ll put it at 4.5 stars. With some drawbacks, it’s very good. Keep reading to find out why!

Click Funnels Review Highlights

Here’s a short list of ClickFunnels’ review highlights. Keep an eye out for these in this article.

  • – ClickFunnels is a good landing page builder, with an easy drag-and-drop editor.
  • – Easy and with plenty integrations that allow you to capture emails and take payments right inside ClickFunnels.
  • – Built with A/B testing capabilities.
  • – Easy to learn and use.
  • – Focused on making its users more money.
  • – They offer a 14 days free trial.

What is ClicFunnels?

ClickFunnels started back in 2014, where in just three years it’s been developed, to the point it’s considered in the words of Forbes, “silently revolutionizing the online marketing industry.” Here’s the meaning of ClickFunnels: It makes it easier for businesses and entrepreneurs to sell stuff online using otherwise complicated marketing technology, called sales funnels …

The founder of ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson, is as famous as his creation, and for good reason. He’s made a fortune, not only from ClickFunnels, but other marketing adventures. He played around with email marketing for a while, and ultimately began to master sales funnels.

Russell Brunson is the bestselling author of DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets, two books that his fans admiring about and that guide people through his marketing methodologies. You can get Dotcom Secrets on Amazon here (Over 400 reviews) or free on his website here. Also you can get Expert Secrets from Amazon here or free on his website here.

ClickFunnels started out to help Brunson and his team create and develop funnels more quickly for different ventures, as it usually takes weeks to develop funnels using old version of edition methods. However, they soon realized their creation would be useful to others and had great potential as a product.

What Are Funnels? How Sales Funnel Work?

Before continuing with this ClickFunnels Review, let’s clarify what a marketing funnel is. In marketing, it’s a process that takes people (prospects) who don’t know you and turns them into customers, aka a marketing funnel. In e-commerce, a sales funnel is a series of steps designed to guide a website visitor to the checkout page.

In another words and a less boring way of thinking about it.

Step 1: Imagine a funnel.

Step 2: Imagine this funnel is in fact a metaphor, and instead of actual ingredients to pour down the funnel, you have metaphorical ingredients you call web traffic or site visitors. Your site visitors are looking around, checking things out. Your website is beautifully designed, and your content is top notch!

Unfortunately, that still doesn’t turn many of your visitors into customers. In a brick and mortar shop, that’s like people walking into your shop but not knowing where the cash register is, so they leave the store without buying anything. In a physical store, you can talk to your customers into buying something. In a digital shop, you may be a little more distant from your visitors. This is where your funnel comes in it’s designed to appeal to your customers’ through principles of psychology. The funnel works step-by-step, bring traffic in closer and closer until visitors end up at a payment page.

If you think this sounds cool, you’re right, it’s become a huge deal for online marketing now. Russell Brunson didn’t just get rich by selling ClickFunnels technology, but by using it too and serving his customers with an objective which is Result.

Pros – ClickFunnels Review

I’ve got some good news: ClickFunnels does its job!

ClickFunnels is intended to save you time and energy to do what otherwise requires a lot of technological proficiency and, or an array of third-party applications. With this sense, of course ClickFunnels succeeds big time.

Makes You Money

One of the best things about ClickFunnels is its focus on making money for the users. They make it very easy to make your account, put up your content, and start taking payments and track it with its featured system. Plus, it’s easy to pick everything up, because it’ll probably take you a couple hours to figure out what you need the most.

Drag and Drop Builder

Relatively a few features are very useful here. I like how easy it is to duplicate pages, and the fact I can save templates to be used again later. Their page builder is a pretty important feature, and they’ve pulled it off well. Once you get used to it, it’s an easy to use drag and drop builder effortlessly.

A/B Testing

The built in A/B testing feature is great too. All you need to do is duplicate a page, make your changes, and choose the amounts of your traffic you want to see version A or B. Super awesome!

Great Selection of Integrations

I believe ClickFunnels handles API integrations well. Email autoresponders and payment processors aren’t too much of a sweat, they work reliably and are easy to manage too.

WordPress Plugin

You’ll also find a handy WordPress plugin that lets you add ClickFunnels pages to your WordPress website. It saves a lot of time and is much less of a hassle than working between ClickFunnels and WordPress without a plugin. The Clickfunnels WordPress plugin is also rated a solid 4.4 stars in the WordPress plugin repository, with over 20,000 active installations.

Overall, it’s great to have things so centralized: I can build my landing pages, create forms and order forms, and trigger emails all from one platform.

All of this really does save you time and money, resources you’d otherwise need to spend on developers, CSS, hosting configurations, and so on.

Good Value

You can rest assured the lower tiered account is a good investment, what you’re allowed for a Startup account is decent. If you have more than 20,000 visitors and need over 100 pages, the ClickFunnels Platinum might not be too much to ask.

ClickFunnels is not perfect, but it does a great job of packaging great tools together and making them accessible. It possibly saves most users a headache they’d have if they tried to manage funnels another way.

Cons – Clickfunnels Review

Now, here’s the downside of it: even though ClickFunnels is overall strong, it has quite a few areas that need work and a good review of it wouldn’t be complete without looking at the ugly side as well.

Overpriced? Yes and No!

Compared to the other platforms ClickFunnels look too pricy and with few options of plans, especially for beginners. There are only two pricing options, at either $97 or $297 a month. In the grand scheme of things, this is not a huge drawback, but just another investment in your business, and I believe, you get a good package for what you paid for.

Uninspiring Customer Service

Beyond that, customer support is a little bit shaky at best. In my experience, they’ve been fine with basic questions, which I believe they should work on it to be more proactive, in the order to fulfil the need of its customers. When you ask them more difficult things, especially about more advanced features, they won’t be very helpful with reasonable answers.

Too Templated

With this one I don’t believe is on ClickFunnels but more to do with the community. While you can customize extensively within ClickFunnels, many people use similar designs which I don’t recommend. Considering the popularity of ClickFunnels, this has led to a large amount of funnel users look like floating around, with no creative mindset, use the same templet and copying it as it is. Change and/or diversity is very important.

Software Outages and Bugs

Occasionally, ClickFunnels will go down or experience some errors. Though this really doesn’t happen often, there’s little you can do but wait until it gets fixed. If you’re investing a lot in advertising or driving traffic to your funnels and a ClickFunnels’ bug brings your pages down for even a few hours, you can potentially lose a lot of money with the system failure.

But since it’s really hard to know when your pages are working or not, unless you constantly check or wait until you hear from angry customers which is “Not Cool At All”, I believe there’s should be a better customer service to help solve the issue.

User experience changes… a lot 

The dashboard changes often, the flow of creating new pages and funnels changes, a button will move around, pricing options change, etc… and it seems like ClickFunnels is still figuring things out to find better efficiency.

I don’t blame them even thought I like consistency in my software, especially when it comes to a business solution (Results).

Too Simple (Too Easy)

Finally, a criticism I’ve heard but don’t quite agree with personally: it’s too simple, and too expensive for its simplicity. These criticisms tend to refer to do-it-yourself approaches which can be cheaper upfront and create more control over managing certain details. However, for less experienced users who are mainly seeking efficiency and an easy to use bundle of tools, I wouldn’t emphasize this too strongly.

ClickFunnels Pricing – How much is Clickfunnels?

ClickFunnels has two pricing plans: Clickfunnels Standard and Platinum Plans. Even their standard plan starts on the pricier side, which is $97 a month and Platinum at $297 a month. For what it’s worth, you also get a 14 day free trial to try out the service, so at least you don’t need to commit to an expensive plan right away. If you choose to pay annually instead of monthly, you get two months free ($997 for Standard and $2,997 for Platinum).

Well, some would not agree with plan expenses (too pricy), and I can see why, especially if you compare to LeadPages, a similar (overlapping, but definitely not identical) service which starts at $25 a month. However, it is important to keep in mind ClickFunnels’ main service is to make funnels more efficient, and it has been doing a pretty good job. I personally consider it a very good investment.

The main differences between an entry level account and a premium account are as follows: the standard gets the main service, the funnel-builder, with some limitations on the amount of pages (100), visits (20,000), custom domains (3), and only some of the full list of features.

However, both plans have unlimited contacts, unlimited members, all advanced funnels, A/B split tests, and a few other commonalities.

Platinum has a full list of features, including the following: one-time payment (this is a Backpack feature that lets you characterize a product as a one-time payment product for your payment gateways); subscription plans (another Backpack feature, but unlike one-time payments, this lets your customers pay for a subscription service); 3 SMTP integrations (Startup has 1); unlimited funnels, pages, visits, and custom domains; priority support and template requests; as well as Follow-up Funnels and Backpack.

When it comes to summarize the differences between them, the Standard Clickfunnels plan essentially carries the core feature of ClickFunnels, which is called of course ClickFunnels. Really easy! And the Platinum on the other hand, packages the cornerstone tool ClickFunnels with two other services: Follow-up Funnels and Backpack, and gives you the full set of ClickFunnels features. You can view the full list here after create your Free account.

Features Overview – Clickfunnels Review

How are ClickFunnels’ features in overall? I think they’re solid and you get everything you need. They’re largely intuitive and give you a good amount of control. The template editor and integration management system are good examples of this and are very important functions, so I’ll be giving them separate sections.

A/B split testing is a smaller feature, but of course a notable one.

If you duplicate a page and make changes to the copy, the split test basically lets you choose what percentages of your traffic you want to see per page, letting you test conversion rates very handily. It’s a great function and very easy to use.

I also think ClickFunnels is overall flexible and straightforward for other settings, like your account details or integrations. Maybe very tech literate people would find them restrictive (a common theme among some criticisms), but as the service is supposed to be easy to use, I thought the basic features were pretty good.

There are quite a few types of available pre-made funnels, oriented to different types of businesses, and you can of course build your own funnel from scratch too, or otherwise you can copy one of my funnels and edit it as your wish right here.

Follow-up Funnels and Backpack

In order to be obvious, I’ll just take a moment in this Clickfunnels Review to talk about ClickFunnels Platinum. In my opinion, the Platinum plan is three products being packaged together as one: ClickFunnels, Follow-up Funnels, and Backpack.

What are Follow-up Funnels? For my understanding, it’s what many would call an email autoresponder or just an autoresponder, but it’s a little more complex. The main goal of Follow-up Funnels is smart analytics that result in smart auto-responding, but the auto-responding involves snail mail as well as email, and a few other goodies or treats. Along with Follow-up Funnels comes Backpack (formerly Backpack CRM), a tool supposed to make managing an affiliate program easier and more efficient.

You may question, are these features, or separate products? Follow-up Funnels sounds a bit like ClickFunnels trying to sell an unreliable email autoresponder to me, but maybe I’m just skeptical. In any case, it makes Clickfunnels Platinum a bit confusing and removes the coherency you get with the original ClickFunnels.

Here’s the full list of Startup features

  • – 20 funnels
  • – 100 pages
  • – 20,000 visitors
  • – unlimited contacts
  • – 3 custom domains
  • – A/B split tests
  • – Email integrations
  • – Optin funnels
  • – ClickPops
  • – ClickOptin
  • – All advanced funnels
  • – Sales funnels
  • – Membership funnels
  • – Unlimited members
  • – Auto webinar funnels
  • – Hangout funnels
  • – Order pages
  • – Upsell pages
  • – Downsale pages
  • – Share your funnels
  • – 1 SMPTP integration
  • – 1 billing integration per type

Also, you can view the full list of ClickFunnels features, along with ClickFunnels Platinum features here.

Clickfunnels Review – Page Builder

This is probably ClickFunnels’ major feature, so I wanted to give special attention to it. In fact, I think a large part of why I gave ClickFunnels a high rating has to do with it being a solid landing page builder. ClickFunnels distances itself from page building software and advertises its funnel approach, but truth be told, I usually use it mostly for this landing page builder.

Well, there is quite tons of selection of templates with good designs too, though as you may expect, only the templates created by ClickFunnels are free. Templates are organized by funnel type, so digging around isn’t too hard.

Also, you can save certain templates and make personal page templates, and it’s easy to find them. As you can see, you can toggle with basic settings and open in the editor.

Once you open your pages in the editor, you’ll basically be working with a drag and drop builder. It’s a little more complicated than some other light page builders, but it’s still easy to use.

Overall, I like the page builder a lot. It makes designing your landing page very easy, and it serves ClickFunnels’ goal: to make it easier for you to make money online.

ClickFunnels Integrations

Integrations are exactly what they sound like: other marketing tools you integrate into the ClickFunnels software. There are a few different types of integrations you can add to your ClickFunnels account: email, webinar, SMS/text, and actions. For example, you might add GetResponse to your ClickFunnels because you like GetResponse auto-responding software and you are registered with them. Easy as it is!

ClickFunnels has quite a few good partners you can add to your integrations easily. For my experience the easiest ones to start with and newbies friendly are Aweber and GetResponse. But in mean time below is a full list:

  • – Active Campaign
  • – Aweber
  • – Constant Contact
  • – Convertkit
  • – Drip
  • – GetResponse
  • – GoToWebinar
  • – GVO PureLeverage
  • – HTML Form
  • – HubSpot
  • – InfusionSoft
  • – Interspice
  • – Mad Mimi
  • – MailChimp
  • – Maropost
  • – Ontraport
  • – SalesForce
  • – Sendlane
  • – ShipStation
  • – Shopify
  • – Twilio
  • – Webinar Jam Studio
  • – YouZign

When ready, if you go to your integrations section, you can search for these or just click the search bar, and they’ll come up. It’s easy and self-explanatory, just click the one you want and add it.

Believe or not, the process for managing integrations is also straightforward, though you might have to check your third-party software’s documentation to find exactly what ClickFunnels needs. Overall, you’ll find the process very simple. Integrations are a little more technical conceptually than some features, such as the page builder, so it’s much appreciated to have a very simple way of adding and managing integrations.

Also, some of related to integrations are payment gateways. Payment gateways get integrated and on other software platforms are just called integrations, but on ClickFunnels they get a section separate from integrations. They may also be known to ClickFunnels as billing integrations. Payment Getaways are also what they called too. They’re the integrations that allow your customers to pay for your stuff. Your shop won’t really be much of a shop unless you’re using a payment gateway.

A list of the payment gateways you can add:

  • – Stripe
  • – Infusionsoft
  • – Warriorplus
  • – JVZoo
  • – ClickBank
  • – Taxamo
  • – Ontraport
  • – Blue Snap
  • – Easy Pay Direct
  • – NMI
  • – Recurly

To manage all these integrations is easy, as long as you’re all set up with whatever tool you are trying to integrate with, you shouldn’t have any problems adding it to ClickFunnels. In my experience, these integrations usually run smoothly, and you don’t need to worry much about them.

Ease of Use – ClickFunnels Review

If you haven’t picked it up by now, ClickFunnels’ main sell is its ease of use, as their ad says, “Don’t waste any more time with ‘tech guys!’” As I’ve said in this ClickFunnels review, the main service ClickFunnels offers is providing tools that allow the less experienced to save time and money. So, with that being the case, evaluating ease of use is very important.

It’s easy to use, but you should still have some experience in order to master it.

For a first timer, it may be a bit overwhelming-and by first timer, I mean new to the world of e-commerce and marketing-but the learning curve is far from impossible. For most people, I would say the learning curve would be just a couple hours in the most case. If you’re way behind, I believe you should pick up Russell Brunson’s books. It’s crucial as I mentioned earlier in the review.

Eventually, ClickFunnels is not mind-blowingly simple, but it is overall simplified with an intuitive user-interface. They do tend to change things frequently, but it probably won’t be enough to significantly hold you back.

Who is ClickFunnels for?

Who really stands to benefit the most from ClickFunnels? Broadly speaking, small businesses and startups (speaking from experience here) will get the most use out of it. There are naturally variations in funnel types that appeal to some businesses more than others. Of course!

Speakers, consultants, coaches, professional service providers, people exclusively in e-commerce or network marketing, and even those offering B2B services would probably be most fit for ClickFunnels. In general, it does well with those offering more creative products or independent ventures. The pre-made funnels are highly oriented towards these industries: for example, if you’re a backer, you may find the pre-made Daily Deal Funnel to be a good way of marketing for you. If you’re trying to center everything around yourself and your brand, there would be good support too. The same goes for people selling content like courses or books online.

Of course, you can always start from a blank funnel, and I don’t think you should decide if ClickFunnels is right for you or not based purely on their default funnel types. If you’re a smaller business, okay with the price tag, and you need to make your traffic work for you better, and I doubt you’d be wasting your money or time with ClickFunnels. I would especially recommend it to anyone who wants to maintain a better landing page on going.

Customer Support – ClickFunnels Review

ClickFunnels’ customer support is an area that consists of some touches. I think their documentation is just about industry-standard for SaaS companies, but still enough. Their docs page has a series of categories, each with their own articles. It may be simple, but content-wise it’s not too scruffy.

Also, for the direct customer service, they have a chat feature inside the dashboard after you log in which helps, but unfortunately, I’m not too pleased with it. Generally, they’ve been helpful for simple questions and basic troubleshooting.

Overall Support Rating

I would not say ClickFunnels fails in customer support, I think the team largely understand that their services are not perfectly easy to use and/or involve tools new to their users, and they have put enough resources into their support to make it decent. At least basic questions will be answered, and they’re responsive. Maybe most users, I included, would not say ClickFunnels has exceptional customer support, but it mostly meets minimum that makes it at least good enough. With this, I give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Conclusion – ClickFunnels Review

So, what’s the overarching opinion? It’s good 4.5 out of 5 stars! It’s a legitimate contender in the marketing software space and worth to try.

Yes, there are a few drawbacks: If you need a more hands-on solution to your marketing needs with higher customization abilities, you may want to explore the third-party options you can tie together. If you are going with ClickFunnels after all, hopeful you may find yourself lucky and don’t have to deal with customer service representatives, or some bugs in the software.

But beside that, considering everything, I don’t think any of these overshadow the solid landing page builder, and other positives such as the short learning curve, solid integrations, and good templates available.

Overall ClickFunnels succeeds in its core objective, to make it easier for you to funnel traffic and reach higher conversion rates. Even negative ClickFunnels reviews acknowledge it can be useful for less internet-exposed entrepreneurs. I’m sure that for most prospective users, the page builder offers enough choice. If you’re looking first and valuable for an easy but solid sales solution or landing page editor, ClickFunnels is a great tool. After all, it hasn’t reached its popularity on empty promises, and that’s why I’m recommend it. Give it a trial and have Fun.

That’s it, and Good Luck.

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